and of course the first picture Diana,
I am not sure if the image is any clearer on the blog page,
but viewed through the back of the camera and the computer they are a lot clearer and appear to be in sharper focus,
followed by Mike and Riza, Mike had just returned at 3 in the morning form his trip to Laos to renew his visa,
Mike and Jay,
then Mr. Tony arrived,
followed by Mark and Anchisa,
and Mick, unfortunately Mass was a little under the weather so Mick only stayed a short time,
Diana had decided to do a bar-b-q, but also Mark, Jay and Diana had bought some shrimps to steam,
in season now are these star fruit, some of the biggest I have seen,
Precil and Anchisa preparing some of the goodies,
like these small clams, guess they go in a soup,
Anchisa and Riza at the bar-b-q,
Mr. Tony said that he was not on his diet today, so he was really hungry!
there was so much food, Big Jim prepared some mushroom and vegetable dishes which were pronounced by all as delicious,
Diana and Anchisa with steamed shrimps and a sweet dip,
it is great that all of the girls get along so well and that they enjoy their food!
whilst downstairs I thought I would try out the camera on the fish tank,
I was well impressed with the results,
the girls were having a whale of a time,
then all to soon it was time to say our goodbyes, naturally we all put the world to rights, the state of the world economy, the next mission to Mars, the fundamental rights of man, then we got onto the serious stuff,
like the blond that could not sell her car because it had 180,000 miles on the clock,
her friend said she knew a chap that could turn the clock back,
a few days later her friend enquired if she had sold the car,
'no, well I do not have to now, it's only got 25,000 miles on the clock!' boom-boom.
Gosh Stan,
I think this is the first time you don't have a picture of Mr. Tony falling asleep after lunch!
Dear Jil, I knew some thing was missing! but he did leave early, best regareds, Stan and Diana.
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