in the Super Aviator, a revolutionary submersible, the 22ft long futuristic sub has already seduced billionaires such as Roman Abramovich and Richard Branson, they've both made enquiries about buying one of the £1.5 million machines, the submersible can dive to a depth of over 1,000ft at a top speed of six knots,
the reason I say 'fly' underwater is that it can have neutral buoyancy which means it can stay at the same depth with out using motors to keep it there, and when it moves wings or hydroplanes maneuver the craft, also the controls are like a planes, that is it has a joystick, rudder pedals, compass and altitude indicator, the 'flight' controls match a standard military aircraft layout with a thrust lever, directional thrust and power sequencer, the only differences are the depth gauge, levers that control emergency air bags and a drop weight that would aid the sub to get to the surface safely in the event of a catastrophic underwater failure,
sounds like great fun, but a bit to rich for me!
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