Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Friday, 24 December 2010
A Quiet Day Today,
along to Friendship to buy a few household things, we were nearly stopped by a policeman just before you turn into the Friendship car park, but just before he stopped us three Thai people came past us on a bike all with no helmets on, he tried to stop them but they just laughed at him and sped off, he radioed but by then they already had turned into Soi Bukaow and avoided paying the tea money, I wonder what would happen if I laughed at a Thai policeman trying to stop me and did the same?
the Friendship Christmas tree by the front door,
we watched a DVD in the afternoon, then along to the soup stall for our evening meal,
it looks like quiet a few traders have gone home for Christmas, thinking I guess that trade would be down,
Diana with two soups to go,
then a quick call at the fresh fruit market, tonight some pomegranates,
by now it was getting dark,in the afternoon we watched the 1957 film The Enemy Below, a battle of wills and skills as the captain of an American destroyer escort discovers a German U-boat in the South Atlantic, and each try to destroy each other,
then a up to date all action film Vantage Point, the film takes a 30 minute time frame and reruns it from different peoples point of view, of an attack on the American President, we really enjoyed it right till the end, but it was some what spoiled when the hero fired some 20 or 30 shots at a speeding van with out reloading his hand gun, then he checked it, looked at the apparently normal sized magazine and let loose anther 10 or so! just out of interest it looked like a standard semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, which I guess would have a 10 or so shot magazine, apart from that great fun!
another few from Tales, then our final Piorot Taken at the Flood, Hercule Poirot finds himself trying to solve the mystery of the Cloade family, Rosaleen is the young widow of Gordon Cloade who was killed in a gas explosion in his London home, but was it gas? and did Rosaleen really survive? then off to bed.
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