Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Sunday So Off For Sunday Lunch,
this time back to a very uncrowded Robins Nest, normally it is a bit off a squeeze to park the bike at the front of the restaurant, but today there was just one bike there instead of the usual 12 or so, the reason being the price of the Sunday carvery has gone up to 249 baht, still very reasonable, for soup, as many trips as you can manage to the fully stocked carvery and a ice cream dessert, but a lot of people did not think so, most stopped on their bikes looked at the sign then drove off, there was still only one bike there as we left, so the restaurant did not fill up as it normally would whilst we ate our lunch,
'Cheers!' from me, the lunch was as good as ever, Diana was still quiet full from all of the excellent food that Sa's mother had given us from the house blessing, so today just a prawn cocktail for Diana,which was so big she could not eat it all!
one of the many mobile vendors that walk up and down Soi Diana whilst we are eating,
next stop Pattaya Tai for some fresh fruit to snack on,
first on the list strawberries,
not as much flavour as the Australian ones, but still nice for a cool snack whilst watching a DVD in the evenings,
there were lots of flower sellers in front of the shops as well,
lotus flowers,
and roses,
next some apples,
wait for the change,
and some peeled jack fruit,
20 baht a bag, if you ever decided to buy a whole or half a jack fruit and take the fruit out yourself here is a tip, when you have finished taking out the fruit your fingers and hands will be left with a really sticky coating, no matter what soap or detergent you use they will still be sticky and tacky, so, take a bottle of baby oil, pour a little into your palm and rub well into fingers and hands, then wash with any soap, hey presto all of the tackiness will have gone!
then into the main market, we wanted some potatoes for tomorrows beef stew,
a view along the fish/vegetable aisle,
on our way back we spotted these, Diana calls them Poirot moustaches! they are water chestnuts, sometimes called water caltrop, although a delicacy over here they are a real pain in other parts of the world, walking on these seeds will really draw blood, plus the risk of then catching an infection into the wound does not make for a happy watersport resort, and boy do they spread! one acre of water chestnut can produce enough seeds to cover 100 acres the following year,
then for a few DVD's for the evening, first, Mutant Chronicles, in 2707, the depleted world is ruled by four Corporations: Mishima, Bauhaus, Capitol and Imperial that are in constant war, during a battle between Capitol and Bauhaus, a shell exposes a machine left underground hundreds of years ago, it starts to work again, transforming soldiers and civilians in hordes of mutants, quite enjoyable if you are into sci-fi, but you would have thought that by 2707 no one would still be smoking cigarettes!
Monster House is a kids cartoon but with a really scary old guy, quiet sinister in a few places, but extremely good facial expressions, animation has come on so far in recent years, just a small question, what happened to the police officers the house swallowed?
followed to round off the evening, Poirot, in Evil Under the Sun, we had seen the big screen version already, but this was just as entertaining even if we did know what was going to happen next, then off to bed.
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