followed by Death on the Nile, while on their honeymoon in Egypt, newlyweds Simon Doyle and Linett Ridgeway are constantly harassed by Simon's ex-fiancée Jackie De Bellefort who feels her ex-best friend has stolen the love of her life, a holidaying Hercules Poirot counsels Jackie to put an end to her antics, fearing that all of this can only end in tragedy, and of course it does, we had already seen the big screen version of this story line but this was still immensely watchable, then off to bed.
Well done Stan and Jim, and every one who helped out. many a time my mind drifts back to the good old TQ2 days ,and the great times we shared there, Sadly missed. Mick and Mas.
Dear Mick and Mas, yes we all had great times at TQ2, I think times are getting hard for the orphanage, the freezer was bare - literally, but now filled to the top, yes many thanks to Slim Jim and Mark also Lhen Lhen for helping out there as coordinator, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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