more seating on the right hand side,
I was going to pop round to see Mark and drop off a few DVD's he wanted to borrow, when just as I pulled out of the gate the front brake cable on the bike snapped, so on to the Honda, I had not used it for some time so the tyres were a bit flat, but no problem, I had bought a tyre foot pump from the Tuc Com center, then the battery was flat so after exhausting myself kick starting it I was away, to the bike shop to have the tyres pumped up, (why on earth did I ever think the foot pump would work!), whilst there I had a couple of rubber hand grips fitted,
the bike shop had moved to smaller premises, the owner still managed to pack everything in, but the number of people he employs has gone down from 5 to 2, anyway then round to see Mark, who was out, so home again, as it happened Mark called in to see us later in the afternoon,
then feet up for Tales of the Unexpected we had just finished disc 8 so jumping the gun I have scanned the cover for disc 9 & 10, but back to disc 8 There's One Born Every Minute, was so full of twists and turns, this is one of the many box sets I am so glad we purchased,
also of course the full Poirot set, unfortunately we are coming to the last DVD or two, but for last night and to see us to bed, The Mystery of the Blue Train, Poirot investigates the brutal hammer murder of Ruth Kettering, an American heiress and the theft of a fabulous ruby on the Blue Train between Calais and Nice, the problem being her lover and husband are on the same train, but did either of them kill her? then off to bed.
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