but after winning the battle it appears the British Coastgauard will lose the war, our masters in Brussels have decreed that they will be replaced with a new pan- European fleet under 'harmonisation' plans which would see their life-saving work being taken over by an EU coastguard corps emblazoned with the Brussels logo under the Brussels plan, which will be voted on by the European Parliament in October, an EU Coastguard will be created to 'effectively combat current or future dangers at sea such as terrorism, piracy and trafficking' Trevor Coleman, MEP for the South West of England, who uncovered the proposals, said: 'a European Coastguard service would contribute, we were told, towards the single European state "we dream of" and that "member states need to contribute to these structures and relinquish some of their power."
UKIP leader and South East England MEP Nigel Farage said: 'we've already had our fishing rights taken away from us, wanting us to relinquish control of our own marine borders simply must be taken off the agenda at the earliest possible opportunity, we've already seen the EU embassies take hold, immigration has been a disaster for years because of European rules', all I can say please leave the British Coastguard alone, they do a sterling job and are deserving of praise, not disbandment.
Successive British Governments could undo what a previous Government had made law but this is not the case with EU laws which now make up about 75% of our new laws. These new laws are also made up by unelected EU members.
We were tricked into the EU by way of the EEC which was to help us trade with Europe but which has now become a ruling body having more power than the individual governments. Introducing the EU and its powers gradually and step by step has stopped us from opposing it. We need everyone to wake up and say NO.
Hope you are all well. Regards - Alan
Dear Alan, 100% agree, we, Great Britain, have give so much to our masters in Brussels and still they want more, as you say enough! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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