Friday 29 November 2019

I Had A Lazy Day,

Diana was at work,

 I looked at the orchids,

 this one we keep saying 'any day now' and its flowers will open,

 the same here as multiple flower spikes,

 eventually grow buds, 

 the good news is that some of the ones that are flowering,

 are now growing more extensions,

 which were not there when we purchased them,

 so hopefully at least,

 from three out of four of them, 

 we should have a show,

of more flowers in a few months time, after my evening meal I watched a few Westerns, all starring Clint Eastwood, just before 10.00 in the evening Diana called, so along to the bus stop, arriving home, a couple from Taboo, both of which were excellent and we were off to bed.

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