Thursday 16 November 2023

Blog Posted,

and I was on my way out,

into a nice bright day, 

on to the number 54 bus, and a clear road before me,

passing the entrance to the park,

I was soon rounding the corner by Peter Pan's Pool,

not a cloud in the sky,

at Catford bus garage a change of driver, 

which seemed to take forever, 

underway and past the Ninth Life in Catford, 

what a glorious day, 

the market in Lewisham under way,

arriving in Blackheath, 

the florist next to the station open, new for this week, these cut Chrysanthemums, (otherwise known in the trade as Xanths),

and also my mothers favourite flower, stocks,

on the other side of the door, lots of potted plants,

I arrived at Dartford, just in time to see the Gravesend train disappear, 

still it gave me time to photograph the willow in the pond by the station,

the next Gravesend train arrived, and no sooner had I arrived at the bus stop than a 489 arrived and had a few moments to wait, so I chatted to the driver, next up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan stays,

at the entrance the silver birches, 

leaves now turning a golden brown before they fall,

Duncan and myself chatted away for a couple of hours until his lunch arrived, when we said our goodbyes,

a walk to the bus stop near the home, next into Gravesend and the same journey but homeward, 

on the number 54 bus, the only bee garden on top of a bus stop still growing, 

it was a grand experiment, all in the best interest of wildlife and especially bees, but without sufficient funds in place for summertime watering, most were doomed to failure, as time has told,

Diana was on evening shift so for myself a sherry and a read, 

for tonight leftovers from our Chinese meal in London,

'Cheers!', for dessert later in the evening, some panettone, I had bought 4 from Waitrose, where we purchased them last year in the hope they were as good as last years, and they were! as an aside we have tried panettones from M & S and Sainsbury's, Waitrose for us are the nicest, 

after a couple of television shows I decided to watch Munich: The Edge of War, we had watched it before, but I fancied watching it again, the story of the film is in the title, the film is in fact based on the international bestseller by Robert Harris, chronicling the events leading up to the start of the Second World War, although the main characters, Hartmann and Legat are fictional, Harris confirms that they are partially inspired by the diplomat Adam von Trott zu Solz and the scholar AL Rowse, after which as it happens Diana arrived home form work, so feet up for a coffee and a chat and a Midsomer Murder before we were off to bed.

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