Sunday 17 March 2013

I Decided To Give The Aquariums A Water Change,

about 30% for today,

 this is the easy one as there is a tap and a drain by the side of the aquarium,

 for some reason the yabbie who is normally quite shy came out to see what was happening,

 water out, now time to fill the aquarium up,

 the yabbie still out in the open as the water flows in,

 finally top up the other aquarium,

 after then giving our plants their fertiliser we were off to Tesco/Lotus,

 to the MK restaurant upstairs,

 we were meeting a friend and his wife as it was his birthday, also invited was Brian and Sa,

 first course for Diana, some green noodles and chicken,

 followed by duck soup,

 with vegetables and more noodles,

 for myself I went with the trio of meats, roasted duck, pork and honey pork,

 as you might expect we had lots of food,

 we called in to see our friends on the way home and found out about these,

 macadamia nuts,

 and how they are harvested,

 the seeds are not taken from the tree, the seeds are left on the ground until they split open of their own accord, the nut itself is then shaken, the kernel should be heard rattling inside, if not a few taps with a hammer should loosen the kernel, if you can not hear the nut rattling inside then leave it to dry out for a few more days, once the nut is lose in it's case then crack the nut open with a hammer or use a vice, although macadamia trees do grow in Pattaya they flower but do not fruit, it appears they only fruit when on a higher elevation than 500 feet we were told, I guess in the North of Thailand where they are grown it is also cooler,

 after returning home we watched some television, then time for the bar-b-q,

 it took in record time compared to previous times hardly any smoke at all,

 tonight garlic bread, a saba, a type of fish, it looks like a mackerel, chicken, and of course onions and potato in garlic butter bom-boms,

 all was going well, a couple of medicinal red wines completed our meal,

 then inside for our dessert, some of the delicious Marian plums that Diana had bought at the weekend night market,

 we then watched all 6 episodes of series 8 of Dad's Army, great fun,

to round off the evening one episode from Silent Witness, an excellent series, looking forward to watching the next, then for us we were off to bed.

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