where does the time go?
on to Sunday lunch, glass of wine, turkey and sweetcorn soup, fresh orchids, a candle on the table and music from the mini boom box, what could be better,
the fish were in hyper active mode,
as they knew they would be receiving a few extra feeds, and a few garden peas that they seem to like,
the aroma from the kitchen was too much to bear,
so I had to have a look, we were having roast duck,
and nice it was too, complete with a pig in a blanket and a full supporting cast of vegetables,

for dessert home made creme caramel, then sit back, chat and listen to music for the rest of the afternoon, in the evening we watched Sunday Night at the Palladium, which brought back so many memories of my childhood, but in those days the show was called Sunday Night at the London Palladium, at 7.30 in the evening the show would begin, just after we had eaten our supper, normally crab, shrimps and some other seafood purchased that afternoon along with brown bread and butter it was a feast, the show started in the mid 1950s, but we only started watching it from the late 1950s as that was when we rented our first television, a quick question for older readers, taken from the American show of the same name how many of you can remember the the audience participation game Beat The Clock and the Tiller Girls? which were first formed in 1854, great fun, next for us two episodes of Prime Suspect and we were off to bed.
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