Monday 5 December 2016

This Is In The,

'what a neat idea' department,

a Japanese stationary store has come out with rolls of tape that turn any notebook into a calendar or planner, the Harukoyomi, or Sticking Calendar, was developed by Japanese stationery shop icco nico, and is perfect for when you just want to convert a single page in your notebook into a calendar, just align each of the 2 rolls of tape, the set comes with 1 role for dates, 1 roll for days of the week, in Japanese but I guess if there is enough demand a English tape will become available, or if not take a crash course in learning the days of the week in Japanese!, to create a day-by-day calendar of the month, the masking tape is 1000 cm (33 ft) long and, according to calculations, is enough for more than 4 years worth of planning, Icco nico is planning to release the Sticking Calendar on December 5, 2016, You’ll be able to order them online through their Amazon shop for 680 yen (about $6) each, but if have a look there check out some of the other tape and products on offer, and no I am not on commission, I just thought it was a neat idea.

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