Monday 12 August 2019

As Private Fraser Commented,

we're doomed!

it was his catch phrase in Dad's Army, and it appears in this article we are, in 1972, a computer model predicted the end of the world, from the article,

the computer model was commissioned by the Club of Rome, a group of scientists, industrialists and government officials focused on solving the world's problems. The organisation wanted to know how well the world could sustain its rate of growth based on information that was available at the time. World1 was developed by Jay Forrester, the father of system dynamics, a methodology for understanding how complex systems operate. When deciding the fate of civilisation, the program considered several variables, including pollution levels, population growth, the availability of natural resources and global quality of life. These factors were considered in tandem with one another as opposed to separately, following the Club of Rome's perspective that the world's problems are interconnected.

and sadly it appears we are on course for the world, as we know it, to collapse in 2040, Private Fraser might be right then!

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