Saturday 31 August 2019

Could This Be The Slowest,

and potentially the scariest roller coaster ride in the world?

why slow? because it is pedal powered, by you! why scary? there are no safty rails to stop you falling out of your cage! located on a greenery-covered hill at the Washuzan Highland amusement park in Okayama, is SkyCycle, it may look like a quaint ride for people who are too scared to go on conventional roller coasters, but once you get on one of those flimsy carts and realize there’s nothing but a loose safety belt keeping you from falling to your doom, your pulse goes up instantly, even more so in strong winds! photograph Seasonal-Japan,

a ride of the SkyCycle lasts about three minutes, more or less, but it can feel like a lifetime, if you can take your eyes off the metal rail as you approach the end of the track you will be treated to one of the most amazing views in Okayama, featuring the stunning islands in the Seto Inland Sea and the Great Seto Bridge, You can find the SkyCycle ride at the Washuzan Highland amusement park in Okayama, Japan, what a neat idea, instead of multi million pound rides, just keep it slow and simple with a great view!

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