Thursday 15 February 2024

Diana Had Already Left For Work,

as I completed the blog, 

so I left a Valentines card for Diana on her return as she will be home before me,

out into a grey day, 

at the corner by the snail mail box over the road I noticed what I guess is a cherry blossom tree in flower,

I hope there is not any more frosts to kill the flowers off,

it started to rain whilst I was in the bus,

past Peter Pan's Pool who I mentioned in Tuesdays post

grey skies, but at least I was making good time, 

until, well it just had to happen!

the good news was that the traffic was light going through Catford, 

the traders at Lewisham market all stocked up for a busy day,

at the florists next to the station at Blackheath Village, 

a huge selection of cut flowers,

well it is Valentine's day!

I was tempted with some red roses, but at £66 for 12 I decided against it,

outside the next window a nice selection of plants in pots,

next to the platform, 

another tree in full flower,

the train to London had just left, and good news for myself, there was a train running through Dartford to Gravesend, so no waiting at Dartford station for a train to Gravesend, 

on to the 483 then up the hill, 

to the nursing home where Duncan stays, I was earlier than usual thanks to the through train and a bus arriving just after I did at the stop, if only it could be like that every visit! Duncan was in fine sprits, we chatted away for a couple of hours before his lunch arrived and we said our goodbyes, 

outside the first signs of spring as the roses start this years growth,

I was soon back at the railway station and eventually back to Blackheath and on to a number 54 bus,

at the garden opposite Lewisham hospital what I thought were pansies last week had now started to flower, there are primroses and primulas

the circular bed at the end of the garden with just 2 colours, 

the bee gardens on top of the bus shelters starting to grow, 

this one has hardly any of the original plants, the vast majority are weeds, but at least they will flower and hopefully encourage bees there, 

off of the bus I started my walk through the park and home,

near our home in the grass verge, 

the crocuses putting on a good show,

it was soon time for our evening meal, I opened a bottle of wine, 

by shear happenstance this copy of the bi-weekly Private Eye arrived today, so a read and a sherry before our meal,

for our starters chicken liver pate, with warmed bread,

which made a nice change, 

for our main course a rib eye steak each, with pepper sauce for Diana,

sans sauce for myself,


profiteroles with cream and ice cream for our dessert, 

Diana had opened her card, inside 3 red roses, 

it was a huge card, well why not? meal finished it was onto the sofa, for tonight a Midsomer Murder, we had watched this episode before but such a long time ago, we followed that with a Have I Got News For You after which we were off to bed.

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