Sunday 18 February 2024

It Will Take 26 Weeks,

to prove this motorists innocence, 

photograph Monocam, the photograph suggests that Tim Hansen was using a telephone at the wheel of his car, he was fined 380 euros ($400) after an AI-powered camera allegedly caught him talking on his phone while driving, but he maintains he was scratching his head and the system made a mistake, it looks like he has a telephone in his hand, but he was not using one, worse still the human who checked the photo and validated his fine didn’t spot the “false positive” either, Hansen as it happens actually works in IT, he explained how the system is designed to work and why it can produce false positives, “If a model has to predict whether something is ‘yes’ or ‘not’ the case, it can of course also happen that the model is wrong,” Tim wrote. “In the case of my ticket, the model indicated that I am holding a telephone, while that is not the case. Then we speak of a false positive. A perfect model only predicts true positives and true negatives, but 100% correct prediction is rare.”

photograph Tim Hansen, “The algorithm we used, and that of the police, may suspect that a telephone is present because the training dataset contains many examples of people calling with a telephone in their hand next to their ear,” Tim said. “It may well be that the training dataset contains few or no photos of people sitting with an empty hand on their ear. In that case, it becomes less important for the algorithm whether a phone is actually held in the hand, but it is sufficient if the hand is close to the ear. To improve this, more photos should be added where the hand is empty.” hopefully in 26 weeks he will know the outcome, I have to ask why so long? but there it is, one has to also ask how reliable are these cameras, and the humans checking for false positives? 

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