Tuesday 6 February 2024

Do Not Mess With fish 287,

and you thought fish were fun!

photographs: 日テレNEWS/Youtube, well it was no fun for the literally millions of fish that died and were washed ashore at beach in Hakodate City, Japan’s Hokkaido Prefecture, in December of last year, thousands of tons of dead fish were washed ashore in Hokkaido, about 80 percent of the dead fish were sardines and the rest were other species of small fish, like mackerel, they covered a stretch of 1.5 km along the coast of Hakodate, and the local government dealt with the fish washed ashore by incinerating them, leaving the ones in the water to naturally decompose, which they did, but, and a big but, the bones of the fish in the water remained, and were washed ashore, the beach from a distance has the look of a covering of fresh snow,

scientists believe that massive schools of sardines and other small fish moved southward, where they were preyed upon by dolphins. Since sardines tend to gather in large groups when chased by predators, it is believed they became so numerous in some areas that they caused a lack of oxygen in the water, 

at present there are no plans to remove the bones, which are mixed in with the beaches sand, but authorities commented that if in warmer weather the bones begin to smell the situation will be looked at again.

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