a very good evening was had by all and many thanks for everybody making it so, the after dinner chat ranged from drug abuse and how to stop it to engineering reference books such as Kempe's Engineer's Year Book, then off to bed, but first a joke from this evening, addressing the Nigerian scams that seem to flood my e-mail box, I want to warn people from Nigeria - if you get any emails from Washington or the UK Parliament asking for money, it's a scam, don't fall for it!
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Another Big Tuck In At 388
the good news is that Mr.Tony's diet is working,
over the last few weeks he has lost 8 kilos, he has cut down on calories and has been regularly taking exercise once a day, but from now on twice a day, morning and evening, well done Mr. Tony!
as was Eric, unfortunately he is off for the States in a couple of days but only for a couple of weeks, safe trip,
then Tom arrived after a short family holiday to Koh Chang, as soon as he sat down he looked in a gap between the wall and the roof, "you don't see that everyday!" was his comment, if you sat in his chair this was what you could see,
a worker on one of the micro wave masts nearby,
all that way up and no safety equipment,
no I tell a lie, when I looked closely I could see he had health and safety flip-flops on!
soon to be father Geoff called in with Fe,
Big Jim was also here, this week he brought with him a delicious home made vegetable stew, and lots of sweets for the girls,
then an unexpected surprise, Grieg who has now nearly recovered from his two stomach operations called in for a chat,
and now for something completely different, mantis shrimps, Mike and Riza brought these along, but many thanks in all event,
the girls table nearly ready to start eating!
then Mark and Anchisa arrived with a huge bag of freshwater prawns, delicious,
we then settled down for our usual after dinner chat,
meanwhile downstairs a fortune telling was in progress,
all to soon there was just Mike and myself so a game of cribbage was on the cards, I got thrashed, nothing seemed to go my way, in one game Mike scored a 28, (I have only seen that twice before, Mike never) then 12, 16, 12 if you do not play cribbage believe me that is a good series of hands,
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