just out of interest this was taken from a blog and quotes The NationThai Visa forum at the bottom of the post this appears, Phuket Gazette 2009-05-27
Land purchase through Thai spouse forbidden:
The director general of the Land Department has reiterated that foreigners using Thai nominees to buy land anywhere in the country will have their land title deeds revoked if caught – even if the nominee in question is a lawfully wedded spouse. Land Department Director Anuwat Meteewiboonwut made the comments during a recent stop in Phuket as part of a nationwide inspection tour of 30 provinces.
Foreigners cannot use a Thai spouse as a nominee to buy property in Thailand, however.“If the Thai spouse has enough money to buy the house that is fine, but if the Thai has no money and uses money given to him or her by a foreigner to acquire property, that is against the law. If we check and find out later that a Thai person has been using money from a foreigner to buy land anywhere in Thailand, we will revoke title deeds,” he said.
so you can buy your Thai wife a car, truck, motorcycle, gold, etc but not her or her family a house or land, if you are found out and the title deeds revoked I wonder who will get the house/land?
Interesting .... As you say, you can buy your Thai wife a car, truck, motorcycle, gold, etc but not her or her family a house or land.
One of the many 'legal minefields' that goes with living in Thailand, I guess. Renting appears to be a far easier way to go about things.
If I remember rightly from your earlier Blogs, you eventually sold this property Stan?
Dear Anonymous, it is a "minefield" out here! the way to go is rent with a long lease, then in the lease add a clause which allows you to pass on the lease, charging the new lease holder for any work you have done i.e. the building, I guess the same as buying a bar or any other business, then charge key money or fixtures and fittings which ever you want to call it, some guys I have heard have got over this by putting the house in the wife’s name and then making a 30 year lease with the wife, but this would still fall foul of the law if the money was not hers, rent, rent, rent! of course the point is would this law ever be implemented? best regards, Stan and Diana.
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