this 85ft-long gimmick can take staff from the third floor to reception in seven exhilarating seconds, it is in the Electric Works building in Sheffield, but here's the rub, although they helped pay for it, ordinary taxpayers with no business links to building have been banned from trying it out, reason? yes you guessed it! Health-and- safety rules mean only office staff and bona fide visitors can have a go on the helter skelter, and with just 20 per cent of the glistening new office building currently occupied not many of those use it anyway,
I guess if you work there you have to take a H & S course in how to use the slide and not injure yourself, if not think of the law suit's, speaking of law suits how about this chap? his name is on a banned list of people the UK government has decided to ban, he freely admits he never wants to come to England but is suing the UK government for allegedly up to £200,000 in damages, his name is Michael Savage and he runs some sort of radio show, a sample of some of his "work"
ON ISLAM: 'You know, when I see a woman walking around with a burqa, I see a Nazi.'He has called the Koran 'a book of hate'
ON SWINE FLU: 'Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens (immigrants) are the carriers of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico' all I can say is that should show a little more respect for other peoples religion, remember the upset that the memory of the word Nazi conjures up in some peoples minds and also he defiantly has not read the Koran, if he had read it from the original Arabic as a friend of mine has, he would see that it is the interpretation that some clerics twist and not the book itself, as for blaming Mexican immigrants for the flu if I was Michael Savage I would not be going down Mexico way any time soon!
message to Michael Savage, for me to visit the States I have to prove I am not a "undesirable" I have to get a new biometric passport, even though my present one still has 7 years to run on it, I also have to give your government 3 full working days to get my visa, in other words I am guilty until I prove my innocence, oh the shame of it, how can I sleep at nights worrying that the US government think I could do harm to the States, by the way can I sue your government for £200,000 to get over the deformation? I am pretty sure I could sleep alright then!
I don't know who Mike Savage is but let me guess: republican, white, over the age of 30?
He sounds like a real toolbox.
Dear Anonymous, two out of three, well maybe three out of three, I do not know if he is a republican, but with views like that I am glad he and others like him can not come to the UK, by the way would some one in the UK with the same views and statements be welcome in the US? best regards, Stan and Diana.
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