just taking things easy and watching a few DVD's,
we did make it to Friendship between showers, but then we watched Evolution, a surprisingly well made sci-fi comedy, with great special effects thrown in, when a meteorite falls to Earth two college professors, Dr. Ira Kane and Prof. Harry Phineas Block, are assigned the job of checking the site out, at the site, they discover organisms not of this planet, soon the site is taken over by the government, forcing Ira and Harry to the side, as the new life-forms begin to evolve and start to get more and more dangerous, it's up to the two professors to save the planet, well worth watching for the special effects if nothing else,

next a real all action movie The Expendables, more explosions, gun fire and carnage than you can shake stick at, Barney Ross leads the "Expendables", a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road and loose-cannon sniper Gunner Jensen, when the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the merciless dictator of a small South American island, all hell breaks loose! if you want to give the kids nightmares about blood and guts, this is the one to take them to!
then the last from out 22 DVD Bond box, Quantum of Solace, seeking revenge for the death of his love, secret agent James Bond sets out to stop an environmentalist from taking control of a country's valuable resource, a bit to fast in the editing department for me, plus a lot of no action places in the film, but then we will never all like the same thing, so the question I asked Diana after the movie, 'which was the Bond you liked the best?' Pierce Brosnan was the reply, for me? Daniel Craig, gritty in the extreme, then Poirot, first The Veiled Lady, Lady Millicent Castle-Vaughn - the veiled Lady of the title - asks him to recover from her blackmailer some indiscreet letters written in her youth, unable to convince the man to reduce the amount asked for, Poirot decides to take matters into his own hands and steal them, followed by The Lost Mine, moving to Chinatown in London, Hercule Poirot is hired by Lord Pearson, who happens to the head of the bank where Poirot keeps his accounts, to find Mr. Wu Ling who was to have attended a meeting at the bank that morning, but has disappeared, mix in treasure maps, opium and what do you get? a mystery! then off to bed.
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