Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
In Between The Rain Showers
off to the bank again,
yesterday I pictured the Siren Complex, well this is it from the front in daylight,
next stop Friendship, not many people there,but we did bump into Riza, so she called in for a tea and a chat at 388,
I spent the afternoon looking for stamps on EBay and watching a DVD, then we went to see some of our friends from the UK, Kirit and friends at their hotel, we wanted to arrange some trips to places of interest around Pattaya,
Diana tried a mulberry frosty with Gung,
then to the fun fair in the school grounds opposite the temple in Pattaya Tai, first shop and it was 'does this look nice?'
well yes it did, but there were so many to chose from,
as well as dress and skirt stalls there was a huge food section,
a better look at the first shop as we walked in,
Diana tried one of the 'everyone a winner' stalls, she won a packet of noodles and some washing powder,
lots of rides for the kids,
complete with bouncy castles,
and of course sweets on a stick,
then much to our amazement a wall of death ride, only 20 baht so we had to have a look,
compared to the one we saw in the UK at the steam fair, this one was a bit more flimsy, to say the least,
the floor was more mud than ground due to the rains, also it was not as high, but going back to the construction with every step I made I felt the steel floor move under my feet,
whilst the spectators were arriving I took this shot over the fairground,
then the show began, the walls moving every time the rider came round, the structure seem unsafe, but I guess in allowing movement it made it safe,
look no hands!
the crowd were so impressed that they offered money to the daredevil driver,
which he gladly took, he was so close to the guard wire at the top of the wall, Diana was absolutely terrified of the whole thing, the noise, the closeness of the rider and the whole thing moving when he came near, but a great show that was appreciated by all others that were there,
there was also a stage set up,
we missed the music numbers but caught the two comics, then time for home,
but a bit of food to snack on for later,
Diana's plants seem to be doing quite well,
climbing up the string she laid out for them, now about two and a half weeks old,
whilst Riza called round I put on Dial M for Murder, I had seen it before but enjoyed watching it again never the less, in this one Hitchcock's cameo appearance appears in a picture, an ex-tennis pro carries out a plot to murder his wife, when things go wrong, he improvises a brilliant plan B,
a real gem for our first DVD of the evening, Ghosts of the Abyss, there is something about the Titanic which I and I guess many others find fascinating, this DVD was made in big screen IMAX 3D back in 2003, but the images are so clear it still amazes, this was a scientific expedition with microbiologists on board to assess the continuing and inevitable reduction of RMS Titanic to dust, but the bulk of the film deals with the evidence of life on the ship during its short journey and the story is told with verve, here is one reviewers take on the DVD, 'is there anything negative about "Ghosts from the Abyss?" there sure is: whatever the cost of 3-D cinematography it's a near crime to limit the end result to a mere 60 minutes!!'
from the Bond box For Your Eyed Only, a Greek fishing trawler strikes a sea mine off the coast of Greece and sinks into the Mediterranean Ocean, British intelligence is thrown into a panic, why? because the Greek fishing trawler was actually a British spy ship with a super secret code encryption device on board, now how to retrieve it? I know send for Bond! then off to bed.
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