I have never seen such a wet rainy season,
even my next door neighbour who is Thai said it is the worse she has seen, normally there is the odd afternoon/morning cloud burst then that is it or a couple of hours in the evening, but now the rain is almost non stop, so we settled in to watch more than a few movies, we had bought the Bond Big Box, 22 Bond movies all digitally remastered where needed, so starting at the beginning, Dr No, set in Jamaica Ursula Andress makes her spectacular beach appearance,
in a change of pace we then watched a couple of true life horror stories, firstly Jack Unterweger, hailed as an example of how a convicted murderer could educate himself in prison, turn his life around and be released as a reformed member of society, unfortunately the bleeding hearts and artists got it all wrong as he then went on to murder 9 people, note to reformers, just because a convicted murderer writes poetry, books and appears on chat shows it does not mean they have changed their ways, looking at the DVD it appears there was no physiological screening in his case at all, he was just let out on the strength of his writings in prison, scary!
followed by Aileen Wuornos, in the words of the investigating detective it was a strange case as there are so few serial killers that are women, also that although she had many bad experiences in life, others, less fortunate, still got through life without resorting to killing at least four people, although she was suspected of killing seven,
then a real off the wall movie The Hulk, real kids stuff, I guess that is why I enjoyed it so much,

Diana was feeling a bit tired so it was on with Simon Scham's A History of Britain, starting with the discovery of Skara Brae in the Orkney's, most people think of the Orkney's being cold and wind swept, but this is 5,000 years ago when the weather there was warm and mild, supporting huge numbers of local fish, it is only recently that it had become cold and well known for its gales and winds, if only my history master could have been as interesting as this programme,
I am looking forward to volume two,
to round off the evening two more Bonds, From Russia With Love, Bond's hunt for Lektor, a decoding machine,
then Goldfinger, the downside to this movie is that as I write this I can not get the theme tune out of my head, but still great fun to watch, then off to bed.
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