Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Straight On To The Blog,
hopefully we are out later today,
first trip along to the huge pharmacy called Fascino on Pattaya North, the place to go if you want anything medical, from a headache pill to a hospital bed - I kid you not, as a inducement there is a 5% discount card if you need regular medication, every little helps!
last year we went to the buffalo show outside the city municipal offices at Nagklua, so off we went, Nagklua itself was in party mode with Chinese style lanterns along the street, but the signs I guess advertising what was happening were all in Thai, so something for the locals, but it still looked nice and some one had gone to a lot of trouble, well we arrived there only to find that the show was being held on some waste ground at the lake, not that the newspapers were wrong, just that it was not in front of the offices in Nagklua,
as we were out and about we called into the fish shop on Third Road, one of the air pumps that compresses air was making lots of noise and no bubbles, we swapped it over for the previous one that had been repaired, sure it worked - but no bubbles, 380 baht down to 350 baht and we were on our way home, then some good news, Phil arrived from the UK with some envelopes which contained some of the stamps I had been bidding on over the last few months, also some goodies for Mark who also called round so the rest of the day just flew past,
in the evening feet up for a few DVD's, first Bruce Willis in Die Hard: With a Vengeance, a bomb goes off in a busy department store, another by the same gang goes off in a subway station right by the Federal Reserve (the biggest gold storage in the world), spring into action Bruce!
the Bond box is getting a little thin now with A View to a Kill for tonight's Bond offering, Grace Jones who is the villains side kick Diana declared 'Scary Dairy' as soon as she saw her, Max Zorin is stockpiling computer chips, Zorin may only seem like a innocent guilty man, but is really planning to set off an earthquake in San Andreas which will wipe out all of Silicon Valley making his chips priceless, great scenes in the mine,
then back to Tales of the Unexpected, so far not a single disappointing episode, this time Georgy Porgy, George is an English vicar with a fantasy life, He sees naked women during his sermons, well I suppose it takes away the time, followed by Depart in Peace, when a lady, in love is humiliated by her intended, watch out! then off to bed.
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