Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Friday So Off To Soi Bukaow Market,
luckily the rain held off,for the past few weeks it has really been chucking it down, but with the sun on it the streets were almost dry, I was looking at the hardware stalls for some string, the seeds that Diana planted last week, much to my surprise were now two or three inches high, they are a sort of sour cucumber that climbs, so string for them to climb on was needed and some tent pegs to attach the string to the ground, but no luck with either,
Diana arrived back with some fresh fruit,then off for a bit of plant shopping, Diana wanted one of those miniature orange tees with the sour fruit,
100 baht later and we are off on our way home, we bought some string and Diana planted the orange tree,
then to the Friday night market,
the fruit seller making his rounds before it gets too busy,
I bought some of these perfumed candles. 3 packs for 100 baht,
there were lots of other products on sale as well,
opposite the bar, stalls have now been set up,
I saw a few fish, 10 for 100 baht so a bag of them and I was on my way,
the fish shop at the end of the row has changed some what, instead of having banks of aquariums selling fish, now there is not one in sight, just the hardware,
Geoff was waiting at the bar, his wife shopping in the market, Diana had called in at Tesco to look for some tent pegs for her seedlings and found some, so that is her job for tomorrow, put string near the seedlings for them to grow up,
now just a couple of pictures of one of my aquariums,
the left
and right hand side, I hope the new fish are happy,
then feet up watch a few DVD's and have supper, first Harry Potter, the Goblet of Fire, set in his fourth year Harry has to battle in the tri-wizards tournament, great if you like Potter movies - which I do,
now a real Eastend movie, complete with a translation for non Eastenders, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, a truly great storyline, characters and direction, a must see if you are into gangster movies that are slightly, well, different,
I guess you could say that this DVD is loosely based on fact, in Young Guns the main star of the movie is the legend that became known as Billy the Kid, it was entertaining to watch, but somehow did not shine,
Diana really liked this one, the first of the Robocop trilogy, as the tag line goes, 'half man, half machine, all cop' after being nearly killed a cop comes back with new powers to take on the underworld, neat if incredulous story line but Diana enjoyed every minuet of it, then off to bed.
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