Wednesday 4 April 2012

I Really Do Not Understand This,

Avril Mulcahy believes she was asked to find a new surgery because she complained about a doctor,

so the surgery where she had been using for the past 30 years told the 83 year old, in a letter 'We would be very grateful if you could make the necessary arrangements to re-register at another practise.' instead of following the normal procedure of investigating a patients complaint, but this is the thing that shows how crazy some doctors at the surgery are, the reason in the letter asking her to move to another surgery was due to 'green travelling issues',

in the letter, the West Road Surgery in Westcliff, Essex states: 'our greatest concern is for your health and convenience but also taking into consideration green travelling issues, Re: carbon footprints and winter weather conditions, we feel it would be advisable for patients to register at surgeries nearer to where they live,'

question, how near to a doctors surgery should you live? 10 miles, well maybe a bit to far, OK 5 miles, well it is still away to go, 2 miles, getting closer, but according to the muppets in West Road Surgery if you live 1 mile away that is too far, which is the reason Avril has been told to change doctors, regarding the above West Road Surgery has declined to comment,

wait a minuet, the doctors are complaining about her carbon footprint, if the doctors there are so concerned about her carbon footprint, can some one who is a patient at the surgery make sure that the doctors there use their cars only for emergencies and use a push bike to make the journey to work.

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