Tuesday 12 March 2019

A Quick Quiz,

what is it?

a four legged duck? well not quite, like myself I am guessing many of us will have seen Jurassic Park and it'spin offs, and like myself have a pretty good idea of what we think dinosaurs look like, but thanks to film produces we are all so wrong! above is a stunning model of Tyrannosaurs rex, the latest and radical developments in paleontology as proposed by the American Museum of Natural History, have led to the constructed of stunning models of the T. rex as a hatchling, as a four-year-old, and as an adult based on the latest discoveries and thinking, image source AMNH/D. Finnin,

their intent is to provide the most scientifically accurate renderings ever of the T. rex as part of their "T. rex: The Ultimate Predator"exhibit running from March 11, 2019 to August 9, 202, a preview is above, it is a mug of coffee watch, but worth the look, if only to keep up with the latest thinking on perhaps one of the most well known dinosaurs that ever lived.

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