Thursday 19 September 2024

Blog Posted,

and I was out to visit Duncan,

into a slightly cloudy day, it was supposed to be sunny, but I was glad I put my jacket on, 

onto a crowded number 54 bus,

and past Peter Pan's Pool,

the traffic was so bad, I found out later why, the post office in Catford had been cordoned off and police were present,

I had read yesterday that work would be going on today so no trains stopping at Blackheath, so I alighted in Lewisham and walked to the Overground station and past that, 

to the train station, 

I waited for the Gravesend train, and after walking all of that way where did the train stop?

Blackheath! the announcement in the newspapers was totally wrong, 

arriving at Gravesend, still cloudy, but I noticed something whilst waiting for the number 483 bus, on all of the main uprights of the fence, 

they were packed with snails, I have no idea why,

off of the bus and up the hill,

and into the nursing home where Duncan stays, 

we chatted away but to be honest Duncan was not really quite with it, one of his bad days, but there it is, after we said our goodbyes when his lunch arrived,

outside the clouds had cleared, blue skies, and as it happens it had warmed up considerably,

I made good time on the journey home, with just minimal waits for the through train to Blackheath and the bus to Beckenham, going through Lewisham, work continuing on the pavements, 

and look, a worker!

the flower beds at Lewisham hospital well past their best,
the Catford post office still cordoned off with a police presence, 

a patrol car and a van, and something I have never seen before, 

a damaged police car, I am guessing that must have happened this morning, police cars never go out like this, it must have been involved with what happened this morning,

past the bee gardens, this one still looking so dry,

whilst this one, 

is still growing well,

off of the number 54 bus and into the park, a large fungus growing at the base of this tree, 

it was quite a size about 9" or 10" across, 

blue skies as I made my way past the snail mail box, 

in about an hour I was out again, 

and meeting Diana after her work at the cinema, and this is what we are going to watch, The Critic, as its name might imply, the film is about a theatre critic, but with a difference, this critic is involved with blackmail, suicide and murder, 

so upstairs to cinema 2 we went, 

we were all set for the film,

what can I say about the film? well we both thoroughly enjoyed it, I was a little apprehensive if Diana would, but she did, I will not say anything else about the film in case you have not watched it yet but are planning to do so, but let me say this, I do not know of a 'good' thief, but I saw one today, he was Sir Ian McKellen, he totally stole the film, what a tour de force, do not get me wrong, the other actors were good, for instance Mark Strong is a favorite of ours, but even his great talent paled against Sir Ian, the film, for us highly recommended, 

we walked past the kebab shop, so home for a read, 

before a huge kebab each, 

'Cheers!', after which we watched the last part of a Prime suspect, then Diana was off to bed, her early start catching up with her, for myself, 

a Bangers and Cash, it is a program where a family run business scours the UK looking for cars and automobila to sell in their auction house, so many cars for sale, 300+ in each monthly auction and so many of them have been owned by friends way back in the 1960s, not the same car, but the same model, I am still waiting to see my favorite vehicle featured, that I first saw way back then, 

photograph Goodwood Road and Racing, a Citroen lt15, my dream car, if only!, after the end of bangers and Cash I too was off to bed.

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