Monday 23 September 2024

Sunday Is Here Again,

it was soon time for our Sunday lunch, 

but first a sherry and a read, 

chicken skewers for our starters, 

all set to go,

for our main course two slightly different dishes, a lamb chop and fish pie for Diana,

 just lamb chops for myself, I have to admit fish pie is not a dish I enjoy, 


for dessert of all things a Christmas pudding, with lashings of cream, we spent the afternoon with Columbo, we had seen these before, but such a long time ago, we followed that with, 

 Quantum of Solace, seeking revenge for the death of his love, secret agent James Bond sets out to stop an environmentalist from taking control of a country's valuable resource, a bit to fast in the editing department for me, plus a lot of no action places in the film, but there it is,  

one that we ha not watched for some time, The Mummy (2017) starring Tom Cruise, we followed that with one episode of Prime Suspect, 

and rounded off the evening with one from The Kenny Everett Video Show starring Tina Turner, before we were off to bed.

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