Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
I Got As Far As Putting The Pictures On The Blog,
when the Internet slowed to a halt, but now it is sort of back, so here goes a day late, first thing we went to Lotus, to buy a book of how to cook Thai food in English,
but first of course a ice cream in Swensons,
the place was packed, there was only one table free at the back all of the others were taken, but then as one became free we moved, Diana had a 79 baht special, for me I was going to have a banana milk shake, but sold out of banana, so I chose a strawberry/banana mix, sold out again, so I settled on a vanilla, decisions, decisions and it was only 10.15!
Diana looking at her favorite food display,
it was Tesco's 15 year anniversary so they made a cake to celebrate, naturally Diana wanted to try some, then it was upstairs to the bookshop above Lotus, we went to the English food book section but could not find a single one, so I asked one of the assistants who had a look, sold out, it was fast becoming not my day,
when we left there was hardly any space in the bike park, good news for Tesco's but bad news if you bought anything downstairs as the checkouts were woefully understaffed,so home we went, Mass called round about midday as the girls were going to Pattyaya Tai to the Loi Krathong dress hire shop, the festival is next Monday, so I settled down to watch a DVD,
it was a film about the American Civil War, Gods and Generals, peace and quite reined at 388, a good film, although I am very hazy on the Civil War I would guess that the salient facts were adhered to, almost like a documentary it follows the rise and fall of legendary war hero "Stonewall Jackson", it was the prequel to the 1993 hit Gettysburg, almost one and a half hours into the film the peace was shattered by a phone call that we all dread, 'Honey we are in the police station' it appears the boys in brown stopped every motorbike on Pattaya South road, the very road that the dress shop was on,
both girls were in trouble, Mass had left her driving licence in the hotel, Diana had left her passport in my safe, so 400 baht fine for Mass, 200 baht fine for Diana, but by a stroke of luck Jay and Precil saw it happen, so they very kindly took the girls to the police station to pay the fine, but when they got there it was in pandemonium, their ticket number to pay the fine was 245, but there was 60 or so people in front of them, so it took more that a few hours for them to pay the fine, a big 'thank you' to Jay and Precil for helping out, as an aside the girls ticket was 600 baht, if caught parking on the wrong side of the street it is an automatic fine of 1,000 baht, me being me I thought about this, so lets say a average of 300 baht fine per person at the time the girls were there 245 people in front of them, 300 X 245 = 73,500 baht not bad for a mornings work!
by the time the girls had arrived home it was quite late so straight off to the soup stalls,Diana, all smiles now but she said it was scary dairy at the police station,
a happy soup seller,
we also stopped at the fresh fruit stall for some pineapple for later on,
whilst waiting I took a few shots of the surrounding stalls,
then on to the bug stall,
next door a stall with fish, frogs, birds, crabs and pretty much most in between, eat in or take away,
crispy pork chops or on the next tray chicken,
at last the bugs are ready a quick spray then off home,
to watch the last of series 4 of Judge John Deed, a thoroughly enjoyable series, I have found out that series 5 and 6 are now available in the UK, so over the next few days I will order them in the UK, like a lot of the DVD's we have I have not seen them over here for sale, for the few that are here it is almost cheaper nowadays to buy them in the UK, although I have to wait for friends to bring them over at least I know they will play all of the way though with out any problems,
then on to Diana's new favorite series New Tricks, we have just started the second series, and very good it is to, then off to bed.
I know that docs or a copy have to carried at all time in Pattaya.
Not a good experience if your on holidays and get fined. Can't be that difficult to turn the other way if no wrong has been committed. Me thinks its about tea money for the boys in brown.
Dear Anonymous, absolutely correct, everyone in Thailand by law must carry a I.D. card or passport at all times, the girls were not, so for me it was a fair cop, what I hate is when driving and all is in order some one with a gun pulls you over and says 200 or 400 baht in cash or 1,000 baht if you want a receipt, but you have to travel back 40 kilometers to get it! men with guns hold all of the power! best regards, Stan and Diana.
I know that docs or a copy have to carried at all time in Pattaya.
Not a good experience if your on holidays and get fined. Can't be that difficult to turn the other way if no wrong has been committed. Me thinks its about tea money for the boys in brown.
Dear Anonymous, absolutely correct, everyone in Thailand by law must carry a I.D. card or passport at all times, the girls were not, so for me it was a fair cop, what I hate is when driving and all is in order some one with a gun pulls you over and says 200 or 400 baht in cash or 1,000 baht if you want a receipt, but you have to travel back 40 kilometers to get it! men with guns hold all of the power! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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