Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 12 October 2009
We Seem To Have Been 'On The Go'
for the past few weeks,so for today it was feet up and do - absolutely nothing, all we did was watch TV, with a few cups of tea and a good old fry up British breakfast, thanks to Jimbo's sausages, then most of the afternoon we watchedJudge John Deed, a very British court room drama, so next time we will be on to the second series, then as the evening wore on Hannibal, not every ones cup of tea but for us very watchable, the music soundtrack haunting and unforgettable,next up in change of pace the first of the Matrix trilogy, a bit confusing in places, but what great special effects,then with Halloween just around the corner what better way to end off the evening, or I should say by now early morning than a trip to the town of Halloween in Tim Burton's movie The Nightmare Before Christmas it is in effect an animated musical, not to everybodys taste but for Diana and myself quite funny in places and scary in others, the music is supplied by some one whom I think is a genius as far as music is concerned, Danny Elfman, more likely known to you as the guy that wrote the theme to The Simpson's, just click onto his name and be amazed at the number of songs/soundtracks he has written, and with the end of that off to bed.
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