Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Friday, 9 October 2009
We Or I Should Say I,
woke up to the banging of drums and the clash of cymbals, I knew what it was, a wedding, so out of bed and on to the bike, I caught the ceremony up as it was only doing one elephant per hour and took a few pictures,
drums and cymbals accompanied by everybody singing,
a lot of the ladies in traditional Thai dress,mind the cables!
and at last the groom, years ago there were elephants everywhere, but city hall had so many complaints about them and they were involved in more than a few road traffic accidents, that they have all been removed to show grounds except for special occasions like this, today I have gone straight into the blog, as there was nothing I found of interest in the papers but tomorrow who knows? health and safety might find another way of protecting us from ourselves!
then it was off to Charlie's fishing park, we wanted 3 or 4 fish for Saturdays get together, everyone getting comfortable,
Mick relaxes with a cigarette before he hopefully catches the big one,
the girls all waiting for the food,
Nick baiting up,
and he gets the first of the day, but this type of fish has so many bones we returned it to fight another day,
then the skies opened up, the rain just fell down like it was never going to stop,
but eventually it did and then it was my turn to catch one, this one was a keeper,
a tilipia,
I had bought Diana a iShuffel, so the girls had one half of the ear speakers each, so it was a synchronized hand jive!
then Mick's turn for another tilipia,
and another for me,
it was then over to Nick and Maureen's where Mass gutted the fish ready for the fridge,
Nick was showing us where a snake was living in the lock of the gate,
when I spotted this caterpillar, as a kid we used to collect them and feed them with nettles and wait for them to hatch, but over here I give them a wide berth as some of them have fur for want of a better word, that can be highly irritating,
"Cheers!" from all of us, Maureen had put a chicken casserole on for us and very nice it was to!
then after a while Mr. Sleep called by,
twice! many thanks to Nick and Maureen for looking after us all so well, then it was back to 388, on the way back we started talking about the Hannibal series of films,
so it was feet up and a few large vodka and sodas as we watched Red Dragon, for me not as scary as Hannibal but still very good,
by now it was very late so Mick and Mass made their way home, but for us we watched the first episode of Judge John Deed, a court room drama series from the BBC, again for me compelling viewing, then off to bed.
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