Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
It Is Straight On To The Blog Today,
it has taken 2 hours and 20 minutes to get this far and I have not uploaded a picture yet! the Internet connection today is worse that appalling, if someone says get a IPStar satellite DO NOT DO IT! where I am there is only one provender, so it is satellite or nothing, and for this I have the pleasure of paying 2,000 baht per month a year in advance, but the first picture is here, today Mick and myself went to the auction at Soi Choipuck, to find it go from Pattaya past the aquarium on your right, at the second set of traffic lights turn left, then over the railway tracks after a few hundred meters look for this sign in the picture above, there is a car park at the side so you can park off road,feeling a bit peckish I had a hamburger and two coffees for 130 baht, there was lots to look at from fishing tackle to a LCD television, lots of furniture and even a pool table, great fun, the catalogue listing all of the items and registration fee was a reasonable 20 baht, the auction takes place every Saturday, with viewing at 10 in the morning, the auction starting at 11, remember to add 10% to anything you bid on, meanwhile the girls, Precil, Mass and Diana, had been out shopping for the food for this afternoon, but first their breakfast,
then Mr. Tony arrived as jovial as ever, followed by Mike and Riza, Jay was already here with Precil,
then Mark and Anchisa,
and of course Big Jim,
Diana, Anchisa, Mass and Riza with today's chicken casserole,
Mark expertly carves the chicken he brought along,
Mike brought along some curry puffs and Mr. Tony his home made baked beans with some of Big Jim's smoke sauce, then it was time to tuck in,
we did not think that Tom was going to make it, but his meeting finished early,
Riza and Anchisa went out to buy some cigarettes, but it started to rain with a vengeance, by the time they got back they were soaked,
by now the conversation had been going on for some time, I raised the question of could you use solar heating panels to some how cool rather than warm instead of using a air conditioner? perhaps using a temperature differential, similar to the gas powered fridges we used to use in the 1950's and 60's, I guess similar to the ones sometimes seen on small yachts or boats, the jury is still out, but then the jokes started, well the less said about them the better!
many, many thanks to everyone for bring lots of nice things for us all and to the ladies for cooking them, then as our friends left Diana and myself settled down to watch Enemy At The Gates, essentially a true story of the battle of wits between a Russian and a German sniper, set against the battle for Stalingrad, the two protagonists being the Russian, Vassili Zaitsev, and his German counterpart, Major Konig, but whilst it makes for a good film the Major may not have been there, although Vassili did know the Germans had sent in a 'super sniper' as one of his comrades Morozov was killed and Sheykin wounded, both considered to be experienced, it is still not clear if Major Konig was actually sent, a great film if only for the fact it shows how bloody the battle for Stalingrad must have been, lest we forget.
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