a slow night for the corn seller, normally at the time we go there she has just about sold out and is packing up to go home,
then home for feet up and watch a couple of DVD's, first Appocalypto, a 'must see' if you want to try to understand some of the ancient South American Indian and Mexican culture through Mayan eyes, although not mentioned in the film the 'war' depicted could have been a part of the Flowery War, which was a part of the Aztec culture, though at times the people did actually go to war to conquer a people, very often they simply took a few prisoners to sacrifice to the gods,
one of the most shocking things about a lot of these sacrifices was that the person being sacrificed often went willingly, (though not so in this film), this was not a screaming victim being tortured and killed, rather, it was, often, a mutual agreement being carried out, a glorious afterlife (which still involved warfare, by the way) awaited the victim, shocking, bloody but with a human slant, a film to remember next time you are looking to buy/rent a DVD,
fast forward a thousand years or so and we are on to The Fifth Element, a Si-Fi adventure set 300 years in the future, fast, far fetched, fantasy, fiction and great fun to, a tongue in cheek save the world movie, then off to bed.
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