Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 21 December 2009
Turkey Purchased So It Is Off To Find It A New Home,
but at 7 kilos it made the bike a bit 1 sided,
what to do?
then it came to me, hang 3 bottles of wine on the other side to balance it! then it was over to Nick and Maureen's to drop them all off, as it was Sunday we were going to have a Sunday roast, but Diana asked if we could have a McDonald's so to beach road we went, the Royal Garden Plaza,
it was a bit of a grey day, also I have never seen the underground car park so empty of cars, it was a bit to early for the outside lights,Diana really wants to see real snow and a snowman, the sign says it all,
Ronald and Diana,
the first thing you see as you walk in is a slim Santa Claus making balloon toys for the kids,
0f course Diana wanted one to, but decided the queue was to long,
'look out behind you!'
a not very well hidden Diana,
Percy the penguin,
at the other end of the mall they had a 'living' statue,
we then went to Louis Tussuad's, outside they had a number of displays,
Diana poses with Jack,
also outside are these huge lava lamps,
and I pose with Arnold,
Diana also strikes the pose,
these lava lamps are about 5 feet tall, back in the 70's they were in many homes in the UK, now very retro,
also on display outside there were many of the accessories used for making the exhibits,
like glass eyes, then it was time to have a look around in side, but, I know one should not compare the prices of London and Pattaya as prices here should be so much cheaper, given the costs of lower rents, wages and raw materials, but one cannot help doing it, in Madame Tussuad's in London a 'late saver' ticket is £12.50, a full day ticket £25.00 (less 10% if you book online), well over here a ticket is 1,100 baht at today's rate of 53 baht to £ that is £21.50, in other words for Diana and myself to go in £43.00, which I have to say we were not willing to pay, to be fair I had in mind a price like Underwater World, 360 baht for tourist or 200 if you have a Thai driving licence, (700 if you want a hotel pick up), so we declined the offer to purchase 2 tickets, I guess they want to keep the attraction exclusive and keep the riff-raff out!
then out side to look at the lights,
and there were lots of them,
Diana with her second favorite in the back ground KFC,
a last look at the lights and tree, then on the bike and straight into a police road block, now a daily and nightly occurrence in and around Pattaya, we see 2 or 3 every time we are on the bike nowadays, normally we sail through with no problems, but today we were forced to stop, well for us no problem I showed my Thai driving licence, the government and private insurance discs and we were on our way, not so the poor unfortunate tourists behind us though, they had hire bikes as they were all numbered, they must have had a piece of some thing missing as the police were writing out tickets like confetti! still a great story to go home and tell your friends about when you return, could even be the most remembered story of the holiday!
now home for tea and medals, feet up, cup of tea and watch a couple of DVD's, first The Relic, a treasure hunter sends back a crate to a museum then things go downhill as a creature hatches out, the problem was the film was so dark you could hardly watch it, well what did I expect with 50% or more of the film in a museum with no power, but it made Diana jump so it must have had a few frightening moments,
lastly National Treasure: Book of Secrets, if you liked the first you will like this, but some how not as much, it is if a lot of 'facts' have been used up in the first film, they some how seem to be a bit thin on the ground in this one, or maybe not as interesting, it makes you wonder what the theme for National Treasure 3 will be based on, but back to NT 2, plenty of action and special effects, then off to bed.
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