Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Monday, 28 December 2009
In The Afternoon Mick Called To Say He Was Having A Drink In Cadillac,
it is opposite the Caddy Shack on the way to Teppresit Road,so I popped along to join him, it is newly opened so a few there then we decided to call into The Eden,
the Eden has an outdoor area with a pool, with lots of seating and loungers,
whilst we were there a SCUBA course was taking place in the pool from one of the local, I guess, dive shops, which gave guests at the hotel some thing to watch, so a few there,
then on to the Lion bar,
it is part of the hotel Liberty Mansions, then home to get ready for the evening, although it was Sunday we thought we would call into the Tepprhist market,
then it happened, we stopped in the car park, as I switched off the engine another bike pulled along side to park, so I let go of the handle bars and over we nearly went, I had forgotten in my haste to put out the side stand! D'Oh! luckily the guy next to us saw what was happening and gave a helping hand to get us upright again, before anyone says anything I was on soda water all afternoon, I now have a Pattaya tattoo on my right leg where it touched the hot exhaust pipe, it just goes to show how accidents can happen! then on the way to the stalls I saw this mini bike,
it was still early so some of the stalls had not set up,
one thing I did notice the secondhand shoes were down to 80 baht,
so many things to chose from,
with some new items down to 100 baht,
on the toy stand I spotted these, the one at the front looked just like the lizard in Nick's pool pump room,
on to the plant and fish stalls,
new this week were these pieces of what looked like bamboo, but they were in fact pieces of Dracaena Sanderiana, sometimes called lucky bamboo,
placed in small pots and then watered they make nice gifts,
Diana just back from a shopping fest in the market,
then she wanted to try out the electric bar-b-q that Mick and Mass had bought her for Christmas,
chicken leg for Diana, one and a half duck breasts for me,
with rice, broccoli and asparagus, delicious,
followed by apple crumble and home made custard,
just half a helping for me,
then feet up to watch a couple of movies, first American Gangster, a look at the other side of law enforcement when both brother officers in the police force and the criminals are against a serving policeman, also the downfall of Frank Lucas, who at 77 years old is still alive, and the officer that brought him down Richie Roberts, although both Lucas and Roberts are now talking to each other the true story is here,
then in a complete change of pace, Goldmember, so OTT but quite funny, by now it was late, so off to bed.
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