after a spot of lunch we decided, much as I do not like going there, to go to Central to watch Avatar, the 3D version,
as Central was the only cinema as far as I could tell to have the 3D version, but alas it was not for a few hours, we could have seen the 2D version but Diana had not seen 3D cinema before, but all was not lost as another picture we wanted to see was on, Sherlock Holmes, starring Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, it was magnificent, the story, the acting was spot on and the cheery on top of the cake? the music, a fabulous score by Composer Hans Zimmer, it made the film seem like old London Town, first rate,
and by a happy happenstance as we came out of Sherlock Holmes we just had enough time to buy the tickets for the 3D Avatar, a few baht more expensive but worth everyone of them! I will leave the story line to one side, suffice to say if you have never seen 3D cinema before this will blow you away, it was 162 minuets long but it never seemed it, once the action started it was fast and furious, but there was a gentle side as well, Diana really loved the 'jelly fish' as she called them, just floating towards us, we sat in the third row from the front as we were late buying tickets but it was still awesome,
the glasses provided were not like these, they had proper glass and were in fact quite heavy, but what a choice of two films, both 'must see' and if possible in 3D, as an aside 3-D Avatar pushed Christmas box office takings to record $75 million, in American and Canadian cinemas over the Christmas weekend alone, followed by Sherlock Holmes, so did we make a good choice, (or perhaps it was made for us) or what!
then reality struck when we returned to the hell hole known as Central motorcycle park, the planners having no idea that people out here use cars and bikes failed miserably to set aside enough space for parking, some where over there is our bike, just do not get burnt moving bikes that have just arrived trying to get yours out, yet again the staff walking around totally unhelpful in trying to help anyone move several bikes to get yours out, I just hate going there,
but on a lighter note when we arrived home Diana using the book about Thai cooking that we bought last week made a delicious Thai meal,
then it was out to Walking Street, we had decided to go to the firework display at Bali Hai pier, Walking Street was packed,
but first the firework picture above,
and this one were both taken by me in the UK, the shot is steady as I was using a tripod,
the difference using a hand held camera,
the lines of the fireworks are sort of 'squiggly' or not very long and the ground out of focus,
similar again ground still not quite right,
a little better perhaps,
the last of the show and very nice it was to, but if I wanted to get better shots I would have to bring a tripod or use a wall and a bean bag,
after the show we went for a walk around,
lots of stalls, but not very busy as it is still before 9 in the evening,
even the beer tents were pretty empty,
and of course lots of food to chose from,
freshly cooked for you,
Diana fancied one of these little birds, honey roasted quail,
a little expensive she thought at 35 baht, but these things have got to be tried!
seafood as well,
I had not seen these before,
sweet letters, to make a message to some one you care about,
although a bad shot there were some guys and girls on these 'jumping' shoes, seems like great fun - till you fall off!
Diana in front of the tree,
and I had to pose as well!
also a clown making balloon toys for the kids,
then into the disco section, there were about 6 or 7 cars with huge stereo systems in them, in front of each one a lady put on a dance routine,
a view across to the DJ,
I was quite pleased with this shot the zoom fully extended at 6X, not pin sharp by any means but nice enough,
looking across the crowd,
by now things were getting quite crowded,
both sided of us,
you could also watch everything on the big screen,
we then went round the stalls again, this lucky lady won this huge bear as we were watching,
you have to put a ring round the neck of a bottle that is flat on the ground and lift it into a standing position, success! but she did spend 320 baht in trying to do it!
now more crowded around the stalls as well,
Diana then fancied a coconut drink, then came a smell I remembered as a kid, around countless fairs and county shows,
a work of art in progress,
4 flavours, Diana chose the strawberry,
ready soon,
and there it was, strawberry candy floss, roasted quail and a coconut drink, what more could a girl want! but the thing I forgot from my childhood was how sticky the candy can become, all to soon my face and hands were covered in it as was my camera and left rear arm as Diana repeatedly forgot how big the candy was and walked into me,
quail and drink finished, candy nearly gone it was back to Walking Street,
Soho Square was crowded with food stalls, but by now Diana was not hungry any more, so off home we went,
feet up and a cup of tea, then to watch Open Range, a story of the transition between 'free range' cattle raising and fenced in farms, gripping stuff indeed, then off to bed.
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