Wednesday 1 October 2014

As I Had Mentioned China And Cars,

in the previous post,

 I thought I would combine China and transport again in this one, someone once told me that there were so many CCTV cameras in London it was untrue, well it almost seems as if a street intersection in Qingdao, China with a cluster of 19 closed circuit television cameras is trying to catch London up,

according to NPR, the government has installed over 20 million cameras to assist crime-fighting effort, the bizarre grouping eventually attracted the attention of China's netizens, who gleefully took to social media, it took a while but over the past week, all 19 CCTV cameras have been removed leaving the hangman-style steel post completely bare, the reason for the cameras? as one Tencent member conjectured, just a practical method of comparing the performance of various brands and models of CCTV cameras in a real-world situation.

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