Wednesday 1 October 2014

Should You Find Yourself Travel Through Terminal 1 Ff Singapore's Changi Airport,

and you have some time to kill,

 stop off and have a look at what is billed as the the world's largest kinetic sculpture, the sculpture was created for and was installed as a part of the terminals refurbishment by the German design firm Art+Com

it comes across as giant raindrops moving in a carefully choreographed dance routine, the title of the sculpture is Kinetic Rain,

the sculpture is in two sections installed several yards apart, each section consists of 608 aluminium "raindrops" coated in highly polished copper, each drop is suspended by a thin steel wire and has a computer-controlled motor inside that directs the movement of the drop, 

the entire sculpture measures approximately 32' x 13', it is set up to run through 16 different movements in a 15-minute loop, the drops dance in and out of different shapes including kites, a flight of birds, and an aeroplane,

there are a number of shorter videos on the web, but I thought I would feature the full 16 minute one, it really is so mesmerising.

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