we had booked a table last year,
and today was the day, a celebration for us,
so gladrags on,
after a pose,
or two,
or three,
then tube, and we were in London
we were a bit early for our table, so first a coffee,
then a walk past Caviar House,
to, you guessed it,
the Ritz, for our afternoon tea,
first thing drop off our coats,
I joined the queue,
as Diana powdered her nose as they say,
Diana was as usual amazed at the decor
so much pink,
we had to have a few poses,
before being led to our table,
first order of the day,
a touch of bubbly,
and time to order our tea,
mind the old school tie,
sandwiches arrived,
and a few small cakes,
we had a nice view of the room,
so we relaxed in the restaurant,
we had tried to book a table for before Christmas, but even 3 months in advance all of the tables were booked! a second round of sandwiches magically appeared,
and then the cake trolly, orange sponge for Diana,
a chocolate slice for myself,
on to the fresh cream and strawberry jam plain and fruit scones, with a fresh pot of tea, naturally,
what a wonderful way to spend the early afternoon,
tea over,
it was time for a few poses,
and a quick look around the lower floor,
flowers everywhere,
time to take a rest!
and then a real treat, as Diana posed by the piano the player asked where Diana was from, after answering the Philippines,
the player immediately started playing a couple of Filipino favorites, what a nice way to end the meal,
we made our way to Jermyn Street, and had a look at Taylor of Old Bond Street, where Diana had bought from one of their outlets in Fortnum and Masons a bottle of sandalwood cologne,

the other reason for us being here, was that my poor old suit was looking a bit tired,
we made our way to Jermyn Street, and had a look at Taylor of Old Bond Street, where Diana had bought from one of their outlets in Fortnum and Masons a bottle of sandalwood cologne,

the other reason for us being here, was that my poor old suit was looking a bit tired,
so into Hawes & Curtis, for new suit,
oh the agony of choice!
decision made, it will be ready in a few days, so I will pop back to London to pick it up,
we decided to take a walk to Chinatown, passing Eros,
through the rain,
and here we were,
we were thinking of a meal, but in truth we were still so full from the afternoon tea we decided against a meal,
so home we went, in the evening just a small snack,
turkey and vegetable soup with a roll, then it was feet up,
for Suits, the good news is that we have a few seasons to catch up with, and after a few episodes we were off to bed.
It's funny. Before moving to Thailand, I used to work as a temp at several of the world's biggest law firms in New York City, so when I heard there was a TV show about one of them, I was immediately interested. I do have to say that there is very little in common with the show and reality. The only character on the show I "recognize" is Gretchen... Louis Litt's secretary. She is the stereotypical legal secretary at those big firms. The main differences are that the real big New York City firms have 500 to 2000 lawyers, usually scattered over 8 or 10 offices around the world, and the firm names never change, because the partners that they were named after have been dead for 40 or 50 years.
Dear Jil, you have shattered my dream! I thought all US law firms were like this or L.A. Law! but seriously it is fun to watch, even if it is so far from the truth, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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