Tuesday 17 September 2024

I Had A Quiet Day,

I had dropped Diana off at work and picked her up again,

 after our evening meal we watched a Deadliest Catch, followed by a couple of Antiques Road Trips, looking out of the window the moon was nearly full, so I grabbed a old camera, a Lumix D300, which we bought about 8 years ago, it was a good old workhorse in its day, but after spending in access of £200 on a repair as it would not switch on, a year later the auto and manual focus started playing up, another £220 so I decided not to continue with it, but just occasionally it does work, and last night it did, I zoomed in on the moon for a hand held shot, 

and a crop of the photograph, back to the rest of our evening, a Kenny Everett Video Show was next, this one staring a very young Cliff Richards, as Diana had a early start tomorrow just a Have I Got A Bit More News For You before we were off to bed.

1 comment:

jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Great pictures! We sat on our back patio and watched the moon rise last night. Being in the rural with little ground light pollution, the moon was so bright it lit Up the forest and surrounding areas. We had different hues of colors from white to pink, soft to bold in those color ranges. We had on some good music so a full event for the evening!
Yes, quite a show as we watched and sipped a bottle of red wine. Best viewing of the moon we have had lately! There are still some special pleasures in life that big government can’t remove-this is one of those!
John and Alley