Tuesday 3 September 2024

Oh Dear,

a couple of days with only one post, 

the reason being today it is Diana's day off, so we will be out first thing on a trip out, and on Wednesday I will be out first thing again as I go out to visit Duncan, back to Monday, in the morning David called round, as we will be out on Tuesday I showed him how to get into the loft, or man attic as I call it, 

 and show the pest inspection team where the 5 doors are that lead to the other areas of the loft, in the far end of the building there is a squirrel infestation, and a visual check has to be done to insure that there are not any squirrels in our end of the building, after doing that and a chat and a coffee David left.

I decided to empty our bins, as I left I thought I must grab my telephone and my keys, as the door slammed shut I suddenly realised I had picked up my telephone but not my keys, not to worry as I knew where the spare set were, and then I realised I had given them to David, I was locked out! thankfully Maggie arrived home so I sat with her having a coffee and a chat until Diana returned home.

In the evening after our meal it was a Deadliest Catch followed by a couple of Antiques Road Trips, 

we then settled down to watch the start of the series Prime Suspect, which was very enjoyable, after which Diana was off to bed, for myself a Have I Got a Bit More News For You before I too was off to bed.


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana-
Funny, we are in the middle of the Prime Suspect series too! Sad they only did 2-3 shows per season-but they are good! Enjoy!
Best-John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, it is an enjoyable series, when we finish it we may well start on Silent Witness, we have watched it before many years ago, and good it was too! best regards, Stan and Diana.

jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Thanks for the suggestion! We will check it out! Best-John and Alley