Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Sunday, 7 December 2008
'Great Land of the Tattooed' Yes That's Us British!
according to The Atlas of True Names, it shows how global places came to be named,The etymological take on the world traces Great Britain to Great Land of the Tattooed. The combination of the Greek word 'prettanoi', meaning tattoed people, and the Celtic word, 'brit', meaning light coloured or speckled, is behind the modern name.
Chicago and Moscow have been given the less romantic monikers of Stink Onion and Bog respectively - Chicago comes from the Native American word 'checagou', while Moscow is derived from 'mosk', the Slavic word for bog, if you want to know what places were called 'Dominate the East!', or 'Realm of the God of the Underworld', go here.
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