After 130 years of fundraising, the Sally Army was told to stop rattling collecting tins because it might 'offend other religions' the band can play as loud as it likes but in politically Correct Britain, if they shake and rattle, it could put them in conflict with the law, the totally mad PC brigade have won again!
The 'Silent Night' rattle ban manifested itself at the weekend in Uxbridge, West London, when musicians from two local branches performed outside a shopping mall, Tony Keywood, shopping with his wife Sheila, was among a crowd enjoying the carols and stepped forward to make a donation, 'I jokingly told them off for not shaking their tins,' said Mr Keywood, 78, a retired telecoms executive. 'They said they weren't allowed to do that in case it caused offence to other religions. They said they'd been told rattling a tin was considered to be intimidating, what a load of spineless killjoys there must be in Uxbridge council!
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