Thursday 4 June 2020

Keeping To A Sort Of Dessert Theme,

how about an ice cream tulip?

 if you are a flower enthusiast, you probably already know about the ice cream tulip variety, but for most people they are still somewhat of a novelty, especially just before their petals open, when they truly look like an ice-cream cone good enough to eat, photographs Instagram,

 they are a relatively new tulip variety, and even though bulbs seem to be widely available for purchase online, just type in ice cream tulips and the page will be full of nurseries selling them, they are rather expensive, so you probably won’t see them sold at most flower markets too often, Tulipa Ice Cream bulbs are rather large in size compared to most other tulip bulbs, measuring up to 4″ in diameter, and the flowers themselves grow to 25cm tall, on average,

ice cream flowers are double-petaled, numbering at least 12 petals, as opposed to the 6 of regular tulips. the exotic-looking ice cream tulips usually bloom in late April or early May. If you’re lucky enough to find some bulbs for sale that you can inspect before buying, growers recommend getting the biggest ones for the biggest flowers, yes you know what I am going to say, if only we had a garden!

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