Monday 14 December 2020

Sand Art,

is not a medium we have featured many tines before,

as used in a glass container, but here is one post where we did, back in June 2014, so it was with interest that I noticed the work of Toronto-based art studio Falling in Sand, that specializes in detailed 2D and 3D sand artworks created by expertly layering coloured sand in various transparent containers, the story of Falling in Sand began in 2018 when artist James Sun started showcasing his early sand art on TikTok. His early work was far from perfect, but it was enough to attract attention and slowly build an audience. Today, the studio create all kinds of sand art, from portraits of celebrities and fictional characters, to beautiful sceneries, as well as custom commissions. They are all made by meticulously adding layers of coloured sand on top of each other using a needle-like tool, photograph Falling in Sand,

James Sun starts by creating an outline of the design he plans to recreate on the glass container, than proceeds to gradually fill it with whatever background colour he chooses for his project. He slowly pumps coloured sand through that thin tool he so expertly wields, and also uses it to arrange the specks of sands so they fall into just the right position, it should be noted that Falling in Sand uses only non-toxic sand and contains NO free silica or quartz, making it safe sand for kids, the above video is fun to watch, as an aside here is another video of making patterns in the sand.

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