now there’s another group of “dissatisfied Norwegian Tesla owners,” and they claim to be going on a hunger strike to get Musk’s attention, I was so amazed when I read the list of alleged complaints, most of which are known issues that have gotten some attention in the past and have mostly been fixed, but there are definitely some that might still occur:
- The car won’t start in cold weather
- Door handles won’t open in cold weather
- Intense squeaking noise
- Car won’t start in warm weather
- “Bubbles” in seats
- Loose front seat
- Trunk lid filled with rain water
- Autopilot does not work properly
- Internet is slow and does not work as it ought to
- The wipers do not work (well enough)
- The car creaks when you pass speed bumps and other bumps in the road
- Decorative moldings loosen
- The lights do not work properly
- The doors stop working properly
- Doors that open by themselves
- The computer does not work
- Yellow edges around the display screens
- Windows that do not close completely
- Systems reset on their own
- Problems charging
- Reduced power
- Rust problems on new cars (especially Model 3)
- Poor paint quality means that the car has to be repainted
- You were promised free charging throughout the car’s lifetime, but the new charging stations do not fit the car
- Lower battery life that Tesla claims
- Problems with the air conditioner
- Not all problems are solved when the car is serviced
- Tesla promise to contact you, but you do not hear from them
- You have to wait on the phone for a long time before Tesla answers

they wrote on their website:
'We are a group of dissatisfied Norwegian Tesla owners. We believe that if Elon Musk is made aware of our troubles, he will solve the situation. Please help us get his attention'.
I wonder if
anyone will address the group before they die?
speaking of Tesla here is a word I had never heard of before, verticalization, Tesla investors and fans will tell you that verticalization is one of Tesla’s main competitive advantages. By developing its own components, it can improve them at will, but by selling directly to the customer,
from the article:
'vehicles come with any defects, dealerships can refuse to get delivery. After all, who would buy a car that comes without brake pads, with misaligned doors, dirty or damaged interiors, mismatching paint, and other similar problems? These are pretty common situations with Tesla EVs'.
also from
the same article:
'Tesla Service Centers are company branches. If the EV maker’s priority is to deliver as many vehicles as possible, it will dismiss any complaints to keep pushing them to customers. Better saying, “it will” is the wrong verbal tense: it already does that and has been doing it for quite a while. Their favorite excuse is that the EVs are “within specs.”'
again from the article:'
'with Tesla and its pressure to sell as many cars as possible, there is another problem, reported at Giga Shanghai. According to PingWest, when Tesla’s few suppliers deliver components that do not match the EV maker’s requirements, the company just fits them into the vehicles to deliver them as soon as possible. A supplier representative said they send Tesla whatever they have because the EV maker keeps asking them to speed up production. That may happen in all Tesla plants.'
well if it all the same with you I will continue to buy my car from a dealer and like all EVs avoid them like the plague! give me my trusty Jaguar any time, for the full article have a look here, as it happens both articles should be compulsory reading for any future Tesla owners!
We agree 200% with you Stanley!!
John and Alley
Dear John and Alley, I made a post about the lack of charging points in the UK, it seems that America/some states have similar problems:
copy and paste for the articles, best regards, and Diana.
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