Thursday 29 September 2022

There Are A Number Of Air Breathing Creatures,

that feed underwater, 

but there is only one I can think of that feeds underwater and upside down as well!

it is by now you would have guessed, the flamingo, the San Diego Zoo dives below the surface to capture the unusual ways flamingos eat, if you listen carefully you can actually hear the noise they make as they eat, also from the zoo they have a number of videos featuring baby lemur twins, penguin drama, and other animal antics on YouTube, back to flamingos, if you see one or a flamboyance of them as if eating upside down is not strange enough, what appears to be its knee is bent backwards, but this is actually its ankle and heel; the flamingo's knee is located much further up the limb, hidden underneath its feathers, the whole area from the ankle to the toes is actually a giant foot, the joint that looks like an ankle, right down the bottom, is actually the beginnings of the toes, so effectively half the flamingo’s legs is actually its feet, and the normal stance for a flamingo is on its tiptoes, how weird is that!

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