Tuesday, 30 June 2009
We Were Having A Quite Day After The Weekend Birthday Celebrations,
I Missed The Air Show At Biggin Hill In Kent This Year,
firstly the show included displays by the Cold-War era Avro Vulcan V-bomber which has been on the blog a couple of times and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight with the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters and Lancaster bomber,
secondly a fly past of one of Sir Richard Branson's 747's with a formation of the Red Arrows, who are renowned throughout the world as ambassadors for both the Royal Air Force and the UK, Sir Richard founded Virgin Atlantic in 1984, despite taking on the giant BA it now has a fleet of 38 aircraft, including thirteen 747-400s, six A340-300s and nineteen A340-600s,
Biggin Hill is still an airport, but in the second World war it was part of fighter comand, for pictures and the history of Biggin Hill over the past 100 years go here, British And Proud Of It!
Now I Do Like Aston Martin Cars,

How Do You Know When A Recession Is Really Bad?

Monday, 29 June 2009
21 Today, 21 Today, She's Got The Key Of The Door,
How To Make 20p Into £50.00!

We Have Just Had A E-Mail From Mick And Mass,

This Is Edgar Mueller The 3D Pavement Artist,

absolutely stunning, I just hope it will be there for the rest of the summer.