the Maldives are not sinking, the sea is receding, they are building a flurry of lavish seafront hotels, meanwhile, Tuvalu in the Pacific - also cited as being most at risk - has actually seen a fall in sea levels,
CO2 levels are not at a all time high, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, CO2 levels were five to ten times what they are today,
polar bears are not dieing out, the doom-mongers love showing us images of polar bears in peril, polar bear numbers have more than doubled since 1950 - and that's despite the fact that 50 to 100 bears are now shot every year,
the Gulf stream is not under threat, some scientists have warned that if the Arctic ice cap melts, the resulting flood of cold water in the Atlantic could push the Gulf Stream further south, unfortunately for them, there is no evidence to support this view,
there is lots more as well, so many thanks to Stanley Feldman, a professor of anaesthetics at London University, and Vincent Marks, a former professor of clinical biochemistry and dean of medicine at the University of Surrey, who have the courage to agree with what I have always said about the tree huggers myths! if you do not agree with the above take it on with the authors, not me! I just agree with it, they have the facts,
Extracted from Global Warming And Other Bollocks: The Truth About All Those Science Scare Stories by Professor Stanley Feldman and Professor Vincent Marks, to be published by Metro on July 8 at £9.99
© 2009 Stanley Feldman and Vincent Marks. To order a copy (p&p free) call 0845 155 0720.
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